Ultra Running Fundraiser

With the COVID-19 pandemic there has been an increase in domestic violence and the need for supportive services is very high. At the same time, ultra endurance races across the country are being cancelled leaving runners with a lot of training, but no races. The professional staff and ultra endurance athletes at the Peak Performance Foundation were discussing how to use running to raise money to support those affected by domestic violence in Colorado Springs and the 4x2x50 challenge was developed.
The concept is simple, Jennifer, Abby, and Trent will run 4 miles every 2 hours for 50 hours. The end result will be 100 miles in just over two days to support TESSA.
Jennifer Farmer, Abby Leaf, and Trent Claypool are ultra endurance athletes in Colorado Springs, CO. Jennifer and Abby are both members of the NFCS Elite Run Team through the Peak Performance Foundation. Trent Claypool, PsyD is a Sport Psychologist for NFCS Elite and Peak Performance Foundation. 

Date: June 19, starting at 4:00am - June 21, with last 4 miles at 4:00am